Our Approach

CDA will be using four main instructional approaches to facilitate learning by providing opportunities for every students learning mode.  They are technology, web-based, educational software, therapy, small and large group instruction, outcome-oriented individual instruction, experiential and meaningful therapeutic and educational activities that promote each students educational objectives. 

This concept is team driven to provide every opportunity for the students to be educated within a balanced daily schedule of academic learning, therapeutic support, technology and social-emotional growth; the part of school that makes it feel “safe” “familiar” “like home” and a “fun place to hang out”.  All instructional methods will be developed, implemented and refined utilizing the most current scientific brain research on learning capacity, research based therapeutic interventions, cognitive therapy and social-emotional.


Our Students

The target population to be served will be children eligible for Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade.  The focus of the population will be students that exhibit moderate to severe developmental delays and medical issues as defined in Section 1002.33 (10) (D) (E), F.S.  The enrollment at Carpe Diem Academy will be limited to a designated age group and risk group.  Many of the students may have multiple impairments and may consist of any or all of the following:  decreased fine or gross motor abilities, decreased oral motor and communication, cognitive delays, and medical conditions of various etiologies. 

The targeted students will be those that have been assessed through Miami-Dade County Public School District and subsequently identified as meeting eligibility criteria from one or more categories of disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the State of Florida.  The IEP for the identified students will reflect an intensive level of interventions across and array of services. 
Carpe Diem Academy endorses and supports all efforts toward inclusion of all persons with development disabilities in every aspect throughout an individual’s life; i.e., successful transition into a less restrictive, inclusive school program may be a result of early programming of intensive specialized attention and technological support.  The target population of Carpe Diem Academy is one that can benefit from this focused curriculum with the on-going goal of inclusion.

Initial Assessment

Upon registration each child is administered a State approved Cognitive Assessment to determine grade level and academic placement.  Each student is also assessed using The Functional Assessment Rating Scale to determine their Social-Emotional functional level. 

Our team of therapists (SLP, OT, PT, Behavioral, Cognitive, LCMH, LCSW) will also conduct individual assessments, as needed, to create an Individualized Educational Therapy Plan to address the needs of the WHOLE child during the academic year.



Curriculum for the Carpe Diem Academy will incorporate the Florida Sunshine Standards, as appropriate.  The subject areas for Kindergarten through Grade Twelve will include language arts, mathematics, science and health, social studies, the arts, and physical education.  Reading and Literacy will be the primary focus and implementation and utilization throughout the subject areas to address the specific needs of this population.

In addressing the specific needs of this population, self-help, daily living skills, heath, nutrition, gross motor planning, strength training, physical fitness and social-emotional skills will also be critical components of the curriculum.
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